Final Fantasy XIV Director:What Went Wrong With The Original
Naoki Yoshida is about as far away from the stereotypical image of a Japanese businessman as you are likely to get. Clad in designer jeans with expertly styled hair and…
Ffxiv Pro Tips!
Naoki Yoshida is about as far away from the stereotypical image of a Japanese businessman as you are likely to get. Clad in designer jeans with expertly styled hair and…
Final Fantasy XIV’s road to the PS3 has been rough. But now that the game is finally coming to the PlayStation 3, Square Enix’s Yoichi Wada was asked whether or…
Final Fantasy XIV was released in September of 2010, and it wasn’t very good. On August 27, nearly three years later, Final Fantasy XIV rises again a realm reborn, and…
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, the much-improved reincarnation of Square Enix’s online role-playing game, will be out on August 27 for PC and PS3, then later in the future…
There are certain things I hate in MMOs. One of those things is a forced group quest.Final Fantasy XI introduced me to this idea in a roundabout way by giving…
There are a lot of recipes in the game. This page should describe them generally, and maybe have some links to the various broad types. Crafter’s Compendium by Class Alchemy…
“Every soul must needs have a code, a purpose, to guide them. Else chaos would consume us all.” – The Determination of Being, Guillaurmand de Padellaint In general, there is…
Classes There are four base disciplines, each divided into several classes. Each class has its own weapon type, and as of the beta, changing classes is as simple as changing…
World & Lore Final Fantasy XIV is set in the world of Hydaelyn. Players can currently explore a realm of Hydaelyn known as Eorzea, though there are many other distant…
There are five playable races resembling those from Final Fantasy XI. Each race has a new name and their appearance has been altered; additionally, each is divided into two clans.…