Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn’s Good Guys Get Even More Screenshots and Renders

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn’s Good Guys Get Even More Screenshots and Renders

Today Square Enix released a series of renders of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn‘s key allies, and tonight we got even more screenshots and renders of them, this time from the Japanese branch of the publisher.

In the gallery below you can see Minfilia, Thancred, Yda, Papalymo, Y’shtola, Louisoix, Urianger, the twins Alphinaud and Alisaie and Cid. Considering that Lousoix is supposedly dead, he obviously doesn’t have a screenshot of his own. Of course we don’t know if he’s really dead…

Incidentally, I just played a scene on the game’s beta involving Minfilia that put a large smile on my face. I won’t spoil it, but if you’re a returning player you’ll see what I mean rather soon, and you’ll understand as soon as you see it.

You can enjoy the gallery below and remember: if you didn’t play Final Fantasy XIV but plan to get on board with A Realm Reborn, and want to know who (almost) all of those characters are, you may want to read the eight chapters of my “The Story So Far” column, that will catch you up with the story and the cast, and let you see all the relevant cutscenes.